Bits & Pieces 2019.

Od svih bits&pieces postova ovaj je ubedljivo najduže čekao na svetlost dana. Nepristojno dugo, ali hej ume tako da se zadesi kad se puni poverenja bacite životu po "go with a flow" principu, a on vas ščepa i odvede (tamo gde je trebalo, nadam se). Ako sam se pre par godina žalila da mi je godina bila "kao da mi je neko tutnuo volan autombila u punoj brzini na auto-putu" ova 2019. je bila nežna, fina, tako slatka... Priznajem, na mahove je nisam (s)hvatala, ali približavanje novom age boxu znači i razumevanje pojava i života na nivou jednog Bude. Ako je sve bilo okej zašto onda toliko kasnim? Prvo jer sam bila svedok hejta koji su svi širili ka prošloj godini. Uz taj nezadovoljan šum postalo mi je neprijatno da kažem da je meni bila dobra, ono baš dobra. Onda je život u 2020. godini preuzeo koncept pandemija-karantin, pa mi je postalo još čudnije da vezem lepe rečenice o toplom pesku pod stopalima... Što realno apsolutno ne liči na mene.
Jer ovo mesto PRE DESET GODINA (izvinite na vikanju ali nekako to zahteva punu dramatičnost) je bilo mesto koje nije priznavalo ni granice, ni pravila, ni tuđe ideje, samo ono što meni padne na pamet i kako hoću i eto neka baš tako bude. Evo neka vam ja poslužim kao pouka da povremeno morate pogledati gde ste i čim pre se vratiti sebi, jer to su vode u kojima znamo da plivamo, a jelte nije pametno da se udavimo.

Kad smo kod vode, 2019. godina je počela putovanjem koje nisam očekivala od sebe. Jelena na kruzeru? Ha, šta? Kako? Zajedno sa Allegra Krstarenja ekipom otisnula sam se na inaguracionu plovidbu broda Costa Venezia. Krug od nedelju dana po Mediteranu, i to onom omiljenom delu. Poznata kombinacija Italije, Grčke i Hrvatske. A sve to početkom marta, koji je na tom delu sveta pa skoro pa savršen! Puno sunca, terasa visoko iznad otvorenog mora, vina koliko duša ište i koncept koji je podrazumevao različitu destinaciju svakog jutra me je preobratio. Lagano ljuljanje je stanje u kome zapravo ja cvetam. Čaša gore za sve te nemirne talase uz koje moja duša pronalazi svoj mir.
Pa šta posle kratkog predaha u Beogradu? Ponovo na savršenu Moët planetu! Zauvek se ponavljam sa ovim pridevom kada su oni u pitanju, ali kao da ne umeju da učine nešto ispod apsolutne perfekcije. Ovog puta destinacija je bila dobro poznati Rovinj, ali na kompletno nepoznat način. Moët Society ekipa iz celog sveta bila je pozvana na otvaranje hotela Grand Park. Dugo smo iz Valentino Bara pratili kako napreduje izgradnja ovog hotela, i znate šta? Čekanje se apsolutno isplatilo! Ovo je možda i najlepši hotel na Jadranskoj obali! Izazivam vas, pokušajte da mu pronađete manu. Enterijer je na nivou "sletela sam pravo u raj", a kada izađete na prostranu terasu sobe ispunjenu cvećem i začinskim biljem sa koje pogled puca na more bude vam jasno "da, jeste, izgleda da stvarno jesmo u raju". Moët je tu naravno da razigra priču do beskraja, uz spektakularno gostovanje Andreae Bocellia na pozornici na moru, dodali su i izlet brodom kako bismo iz prvog nultog reda gledali regatu Adris 44Cup, a sve uz mehuriće koji momentalno inspirišu na kompletno prepuštanje životu.
A onda. Onda ono što sam najavila na kraju poslednjeg bits posta, izlazak iz cenrifuge freestyle prepuštanju životu i uvođenje strukture. Nisam baš ćaknuta, pa nisam otišla u neki cublicle momenat, naprotiv. Od maja 2019. godine sa radom je započela srpska redakcija BURO. magazina. I napokon se pojavio medij koji u potpunosti slavi originalnost i prati sve zanimljive i drugačije ljude sa domaće scene. Pokretanje nove platforme obeleženo je spektakularnim lansiranjem na Belom dvoru. I Jelena se još jednom našla sa druge strane ogledala, sa koje neizmerno uživa!
A kada se nađete u okruženju koje vas razume i kome pripadate, to ne znači da će zabavne avanture da se prorede, oh ne! Iako sam se vratila životu od 9 do 5, on nije postao siv. Zapravo, on je dobio nijanse za koje nisam znala ni da postoje. Priželjkivala sam Provansu, a umesto toga dobila sam šansu da se ponovo, pošteno upoznam Azurnu obalu. A mene ne treba pitati dva puta, dok sam prvi put bila mrtva bolesna, ovog puta sam se bolje spremila za nedelju dana blistavog uživanja. Antib kao ključna tačka, okolna mesta i šik peščane plaže kao svakodnevna razonoda, sve sa kanskm žurkama tokom festivala. Ako vas zanima detaljniji vodič kroz ovo parče Francuske - ovde je.
U prošloj godini do savršenosti sam izbrusila koncept produženih vikenda. Ja koja inače kukam za 170 dana na obali lako sam se svela na 3 po 3 dana dok leto traje? Eto dokaza da godine zaista donose neku zrelost, po silasku sa poslednje stepenice aviona odmah bila sam spremna da se prepustim morskom uživanju. Čak sam stigla i do Zrća (u veoma odraslom maniru, hvala na pitanju), suprotno uvreženom mišljenju ovo ostrvo može biti vrlo dobar izbor i za trodnevno opuštanje. More je kristalno čisto i lako je distancirati se od party gomile (mada još uvek to nisam želela, izgleda da i dalje nisam dovoljno stara).
Druga idealna vikend destinacija bila je Crna Gora, odnosno Dobrota, jedan od meni najdražih gradića. Svaki dan je put vodio na novu stranu zaliva i moram priznati da mi Crna Gora prošle godine pondila svoje najlepše lice. Ono što je bilo genijalno priči jeste da sam tamo bila sa kompletom BURO. redakcijom i da smo uvežbali princip red rada, red sunca, red rozea. Ma nikada ne znate za šta ta vežba može da vam zatreba. Za dužu priču kliknite - ovde.
I šta radimo na kraju sezone? Dok se većina vraća obavezama i svakodnevnom životu ja sam tokom godina razvila princip da kasno leto provodim daleko od Beograda, sa stopalima u moru, dok se u ruci znoji čaša vina. Od dobrih stvari ne valja odustajati, pa sam tako početkom septembra osvanula na Mikonosu u trenutku kada to ostrvo postaje podnošljivo sa gužvom, na taman sa suncem i na vrhuncu sa dobrim životom. Ako me pitate šta sam radila? Uglavnom n-i-š-t-a. I baš zato je taj odmor bio kompletan spektakl! Opuštenost kojoj čitave godine stremimo, glupavog ponašanja baš koliko treba, sumanutih ideja tek toliko... Ako postoje nešto čemu i dalje stremim to su porcije ovakvih odmora ispunjenih samo dobrim vajbom. Možda nismo previše spavali, ali ko mari! Sve je bilo neobjašnjivo, smešno i ludo. A to je sve ono što svi želimo od poštenog letovanja!
Posle kratkotrajne dremke u Beogradu da se odmorimo od grčkih dana bez kraja jedno putovanje koje jeste poslovno  (ali kada radite sa prijateljima najmanje liči na to) BURO. ekipa se uputila u Rovinj na Weekend Media Festival i kad se sve zvezde sklope to je bilo poslednjih nekoliko toplih dana na obali koje smo pokupili. I naravno da smo ih iscedili do poslednje kapi jureći sunce i zalaske u Rovinju koji su zaista bolji i od najboljeg filma (odgovorno tvrdim). Dodajte nebrojeno Meneghetti flaša penušaca kraj infinity bazena i nekoliko dana će vam biti dovoljno da se u grad vratite kao najlaganija osoba koja voli sve i kojoj je sve super. Ideal kome životno težim.
Dok je jesen jurila ka zimi iskristalisala se još jedna Moët destinacija, ovog puta izbor je pao na susednu Budimpeštu! Grad koji mi je uz Zagreb omiljena vikend destinacija. I okej, jesam bila u Budimpešti dovoljan broj puta, ali da, kada život preuzme Moët ekipa sve što sam i znala i mislila se lako briše. Posle akustičnog koncerta  čekala nas je radionica izrade advent venaca, vožnja starim tramvajem (da i tamo služe šampanjac) i večera u restoranu sa dve Michelin zvezdice, pa i tajni klub za koji vam je potrebna lozinka. Ceo put se završio sa još par dana u Zagrebu čisto da se kompletno zaljubim u 2019. godinu.
Iako se život nameštao tako da sam umela zbog nekih drugih obaveza u prošlosti propusti momente kada moji prijatelji slave ljubav, ove godine sam prelazila na stotine kilometara samo da bih malo šmrcnula u publici kad čujem "da". Izgleda da sa godinama postajem dosta romantičnija (hvaljen Isus!). Destinaton Wedding koncept spada među moje omiljene i naravno da nisam odolela proslavi ljubavi u Roterdamu.
I lagano smo stgli do finala godine, što je u odnosu na ovaj momenat bilo pre skoro šest meseci. Ali osećaj koji vas preplavi kada zajedno sa 150 gostiju na sceni Narodnog pozorišta slušate koncert operske dive i gudačkog kvarteta je teško prepričati. Ali to su oni momenti za koje živimo, kada ste u timu koji radi na takvim projektima malo umrete bar četiri do šest puta pred događaj, ali kada napokon sve prođe u najboljem redu sve što možete jeste da podignete razneženo čašu životu...
I pre pet meseci kada je ovaj post trebalo da ugleda svetlost dana imala sam neke ideje šta sebi da poželim. Sada nije ni bitno. Za mene koja ima visoke (pa i više, pa najviše ikada na svetu) kriterijume za sebe veliki je podivig da budem jednostavno mirna. Što se nekako desilo, ništa ne štrči, ništa ne nedostaje, suštinski... Što ne znači da na dnevnom nivou ne skačem između nemila i nedraga. Nego podrazumeva, da se posle tih rolekoster momenata mnogo brže saberem i da je sve ponovo okej. Ili nije i napokon sam kompletno odlepila?
Što i u ovom naopakom vremenu uopšte ne deluje loše?!
Nego gde sam sada krenula? Deluje da imam ideju kuda. Poželite mi sreću i vidimo se za nekoliko meseci dokle sam se dovezla. 


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  24. There is a bunch of tools out there that can help you come up with possible names for your business, which in turn will help you come up with a domain name. Use name generators to help you brainstorm but it would still be best if you can devise a domain name that is uniquely yours. Usually, sites go with “.com” top-level domain but you may consider country-specific domains if you intend to keep your business in a specific country. Your site will have a lot of visitors, and a lot of these would look into your product offerings, but not all would eventually make a purchase. The purpose of your brand is to give identity to your business.In fact that was one of the first things I learned in MBA school. A CEO’s role is to take resources and turn it into a return. Don’t fret over it too much, but do make sure that it is not in use by another company in your niche. Logo design doesn’t have to be terribly original, however (and really shouldn’t). If you’re not familiar with this process, the Small Business Associationhas plenty of resources to help you get started, including a mentor-protege network and courses on small business basics. Look actively for mentors – their advice can be priceless, even for little things like acquiring business licenses.New features and automatic updates with every release ensure your site is always on the latest commerce technology. A selection of extensions are available to enhance your site. 82% of Internet users in the United States have used a mobile device to shop online. The biggest reason the B2B eCommerce market see success in their email campaigns is because they provide compelling content for each stage of the customer journey. Globally, 57% of online shoppers buy from retailers who are overseas.

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  27. Block 3, in turn, provides a new key after taking all the information from Block 1 and Block 2 into account and inputting it into a formula. The computers then work to validate this list of transactions in the block by solving a complex mathematical problem to come up with a hash, which is a 64-digit hexadecimal number. Private blockchains are not open, they have access restrictions.In 2014 the Nxt community was asked to consider a hard fork that would have led to a rollback of the blockchain records to mitigate the effects of a theft of 50 million NXT from a major cryptocurrency exchange. The hard fork proposal was rejected, and some of the funds were recovered after negotiations and ransom payment. Alternatively, to prevent a permanent split, a majority of nodes using the new software may return to the old rules, as was the case of bitcoin split on 12 March 2013.
    Today, transactions are verified by a central authority—like a government or a credit card clearinghouse. Blockchain applications could replace these centralized systems with decentralized ones, where verification comes from the consensus of multiple users. At its heart, a blockchain is a record of transactions, like a traditional ledger. These transactions can be any movement of money, goods or secure data—a purchase at a supermarket, for example, or the assignment of a government ID number.
    For example, rights to physical assets or even personal identifiable data can also be represented digitally as tokens on blockchain networks. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that use blockchain technology to record and secure every transaction. A cryptocurrency can be used as a digital form of cash to pay for everything from everyday items to larger purchases like cars and homes. It can be bought using one of several digital wallets or trading platforms, then digitally transferred upon purchase of an item, with the blockchain recording the transaction and the new owner. The appeal of cryptocurrencies is that everything is recorded in a public ledger and secured using cryptography, making an irrefutable, timestamped and secure record of every payment. The blockchain has also given rise to Initial coin offerings as well as a new category of digital asset called Security Token Offerings , also sometimes referred to as Digital Security Offerings .

  28. These personal health records could be encoded and stored on the blockchain with a private key, so that they are only accessible by certain individuals, thereby ensuring privacy. Of course, the records stored in the Bitcoin blockchain are encrypted. This means that only the owner of a record can decrypt it to reveal their identity (using a public-private key pair).

    One of the most important concepts in blockchain technology is decentralization. Instead, it is a distributed ledger via the nodes connected to the chain. Nodes can be any kind of electronic device that maintains copies of the blockchain and keeps the network functioning. The technology at the heart of bitcoin and other virtual currencies, blockchain is an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way.

    A private or permissioned blockchain, on the other hand, requires each node to be approved before joining. Because nodes are considered to be trusted, the layers of security do not need to be as robust. Transactions on the blockchain network are approved by a network of thousands of computers. This removes almost all human involvement in the verification process, resulting in less human error and an accurate record of information. Even if a computer on the network were to make a computational mistake, the error would only be made to one copy of the blockchain.

    Instantly buy Bitcoin with credit card, debit card, or by linking your bank.

    Instead a series of intermediaries act as guarantors of assets as the record of the transaction traverses organizations and the ledgers are individually updated. Are among the defining structures in our economic, legal, and political systems. They govern interactions among nations, organizations, communities, and individuals. And yet these critical tools and the bureaucracies formed to manage them have not kept up with the economy’s digital transformation. They’re like a rush-hour gridlock trapping a Formula 1 race car.

    For that error to spread to the rest of the blockchain, it would need to be made by at least 51% of the network’s computers—a near impossibility for a large and growing network the size of Bitcoin’s. A smart contract is a computer code that can be built into the blockchain to facilitate, verify, or negotiate a contract agreement. Smart contracts operate under a set of conditions to which users agree. When those conditions are met, the terms of the agreement are automatically carried out. Some companies that have already incorporated blockchain include Walmart, Pfizer, AIG, Siemens, Unilever, and a host of others. For example, IBM has created its Food Trust blockchain to trace the journey that food products take to get to their locations.

  29. It's a comprehensive package for whole-room VR, and is one of the more affordable PC-tethered setups at $699 for the whole package. The definition of virtual reality comes, naturally, from the definitions for both ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’. The definition of ‘virtual’ is near and reality is what we experience as human beings. This could, of course, mean anything but it usually refers to a specific type of reality emulation. In the engineering field, VR has proved very useful for both engineering educators and the students. A previously expensive cost in the educational department now being much more accessible due to lowered overall costs, has proven to be a very useful tool in educating future engineers.As users become more familiar with the experience of immersive video, even if only through 360-degree video, they will likely seek even more immersive content like virtual reality. Sony's years-old PSVR headset is still the only head-mounted display for gaming consoles and its screen still offers a surprisingly immersive experience. But Sony's confirmed it's working on a next-gen PSVR headset for the PS5, with a new set of controllers, that could be coming in 2022 if you want to wait. In the meantime, Sony has delivered -- and continues to deliver -- many excellent virtual reality games, many of them exclusives. All you need is the PSVR and a PlayStation 4and you can start playing. (A few good games to start with are listed here.) This VR system is showing its age, though, compared to the alternatives.

  30. Assumes others should know what to do and how to do it with little or no training.


  31. These guys definitely know their way around the online world. Not only have they made several successful businesses, but they’ve also made millions of dollars along the way. Steve Coleman is a digital marketer by mind and a passionate blogger by heart. He is a lover of all things, tech, crafting, and general geekery. He writes about software products, Internet marketing, and some financial topics here on TecSmash.
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    This mark-up has to be 2 or 3 times your cost to produce your profit margin! Since the Kibo Model is shipping from the USA only, the product analyzer should only pick products from the USA. In fact, 9 out of 10 products it picked were from Banggood, , and shipped from China only.
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    It’s a major headwind when you are trying to become profitable, price limits your profits on products. Those products were claimed to be “your exclusive product” and were supposed to be unavailable to anyone else from the list. However, that wasn’t the case.They were removed for a period of time then showed up again days later. And, the suppliers will display ads on your browser that are the same “exclusive products” other Kibo members are selling and running ads on. Sean, the trainer at kibo code eventually said you will always have competition, these are not exclusive products. Once the digital store is up and running, it’s time to select a few products from selecting up to 3 million profitable products and putting them in the store.

  32. Honest Kibo Eclipse Review
    Using this method, you can direct potential buyers to your shopping cart and encourage them to purchase products. A number of conversion tools are free to Kibo ECLIPSE training members. With the "Mission Control" panel, you can see an overview of all products you sold from a single location. Your orders and customers can be managed in one place with Kibo's HQ feature.
    From Where We Can Get Access To The Kibo Eclipse Program?
    Thousands of dollars in sales were generated by people who attended 2021 training sessions. A wide range of customer testimonials and social proofs show that Kibo Eclipse really works and can help anyone start an eCommerce company with hardly any experience. It is reported that some Kibo participants earn $7,000 or more per month through their eCommerce websites. Kibo Eclipse is one of many such platforms that let you build a successful online business without having to deal with a lot of hassle. There are a number of features that make it better than other e-commerce platforms and courses, including several that you cannot find on other platforms.
    Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton partnered in the year 2013 and now run various e-commerce businesses, websites, digital marketing training programs, small business marketing, etc. Aidan Booth has always specialized in digital marketing, and he has worked with Tim Godfrey and Steven Clayton before. The Kibo Eclipse program has 8 modules that will be covered in a span of 8 weeks. The other aspect of this newer launch system is simple and easy to understand without any complications. When you sign up for the Kibo Eclipse program, you’ll be offered a pre-built website along with a selection of carefully handpicked products and a large volume of traffic to get you started. The final section of the Kibo Eclipse Prelaunch provides you with downloadable content featuring student success stories.
    Everything you need to know from A-Z on starting and running your ecom business. Once the NEW course comes out i’ll be sure to update this part of my Kibo Eclipse review going over each module in detail. If you really want to do conventional marketing, do it with the expendable part of your budget. They will also be focusing on how you can get FREE traffic as well, not just paid traffic. As you learn how it works, you’ll be able to do it faster and at a volume. Maybe they will during the launch, but again I don’t think they will.
    Source -

  33. Throughout your ecommerce business’ lifespan, you will have to do a lot of testing and analytics. From offering competitive prices to giving freebies like shipping, always focus on what the customers want and how to make their experience better. There’s no point in having an ecommerce website if customers have a hard time discovering and navigating through. You could brand T-shirts and others with sports content and sell them online to attract other sports junkies. Even better, you could create a line of sports gear and brand them. While functionality in the activity isn’t a requirement, it always helps to have that too.
    What Challenges Does Ar Commerce Solve?
    In 2020, 1.4 billion people were part of the global middle class, with 85 percent located in Asia Pacific countries. Nearly 80 percent of consumers purchase items because of the brand name. Investors love a good brand too, with over 80 percent prioritizing brand recognition. Differentiating your brand in this crowded environment involves lots of work from a branding perspective.
    Trend #01: The Continued Rise Of Voice Commerce
    If you're doing it right, social media gets them interested in your brand, your website gets them to stick around and move to that next step in the buyer's journey. Think of social media as a high-traffic area you want your store to be in. Your website is your storefront – you don't want potential customers arriving, looking around, and walking right out.
    The desire to shop with independent businesses will also be at the forefront of consumer minds. The phrase ‘shop local’ has become symbolic for Covid-19 consumers and those that can successfully market themselves under this umbrella will have a great competitive edge. Worldwide, we estimate ecommerce sales to reach $5 trillion in 2022 and $6 trillion by 2024. Insider Intelligence outlines how ecommerce industry statistics have changed amid the pandemic. SimiCart is an expert in mobile commerce with over 10 years of experience.

  34. If it’s investors, make sure they can see you know what you’re doing. If it’s people you’re going to hire to work at your business, make sure they can see what your values are and how they’ll be treated. If your product is something you don’t have the expertise or tools to make yourself, you could partner with a manufacturer. This option only makes sense if you have a product you plan to sell in large numbers, as manufacturers usually require you to order in bulk. You’ll need to be able to cover the cost of those large orders if you take this route. You make the product yourself, by hand, and get it to the customer.
    Unlike platforms such as Indiegogo, Kickstarter has an all-or-nothing funding model. This is the more common path for larger influencers, and it’s a straightforward marketing deal. You work out a payment with the influencer so that in return for money from you, they post about your product and direct people to your website. And if the post you’re asking of them includes a direct link to a sales page, payment for post is all but required. Research to find people who have a strong social media following among your target audience. One good way to do this is to look at competing brands, check out what kinds of hashtags they use, and see what accounts are performing well in those hashtags.
    Once everything is planned out and set up, it’s finally time to tell the world about your new business and start selling your products. Your research into your target audience should give you an idea of where you’ll run your ads and what content you’ll create now that you’re ready to bring in customers. Find a niche in which there are few competitors but significant consumer demand. Establish relationships with product manufacturers and you will stand an excellent chance of bringing their products to market at the lowest possible price. If your checkout process is not secure or if customer information is not stored in a secure manner, people will avoid your ecommerce store. If the website is easy to operate, intuitive and aesthetically pleasing, customers will be inclined to buy products from your ecommerce store.
    Is An Ecommerce Business For You?
    This is about gaining an understanding of what’s going on in the niche and the type of products that your customers enjoy. This is how you find product ideas that are already very likely to resonate well with your customer base. This option is relatively easy if you plan to sell digital products. But physical product manufacturing involves a lot of hard work in terms of design, interactions, material selection, etc.
    Sell Your Art Online
    The majority of the costs will come from manufacturing your product. Global manufacturers can put out lots of product for cheap. But they generally demand a high minimum order, requiring that you purchase something like 1,000 units of your product right off the bat. For new ecommerce stores, unless you’re lounging in a hammock between two money trees, that cost can be prohibitive.

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  37. This is one of those local advertising ideas that have a huge return on investment for you. ReferralCandy makes word-of-mouth marketing a win-win for you and your fans. Local advertising is the promotion of your small business in a regional or smaller market. When you target local customers with both digital and offline advertising, you may find that your marketing efforts are more effective and affordable. Some local advertising ideas can inspire pride and loyalty from those who live near your business.

    Marketing campaign ideas should be original and based on what your target audience wants. You obviously shouldn’t rehash campaigns you’ve run in the past or copycat other businesses. When we think of classic marketing campaign examples (like “Got Milk?” or Nike’s “Just Do It“), we typically imagine TV spots, billboards and old-school print ads in magazines. This guide breaks down how to put together meaningful marketing campaigns and plenty of examples to help you come up with fresh ideas. The types of businesses where consumers are most likely to have read reviews are restaurants, hotels, medical, automotive, and clothing stores.
    Depending on where you live, newspaper ads can be affordable or expensive. Consider hiring a professional designer from Fiverr to design your ad so that it stands out. With its vivid colors and striking illustration, the ad instantly speaks to you. It doesn’t feature any copy apart from “PS4”, yet viewers still recognize exactly what the product will be. If you were thinking of using this type of approach, make sure that what you’re offering is explicit enough to your target audience so you can be implicit in selling them it.

    The most popular free business directories include the Chamber of Commerce, EZ Local, The Business Journals , Manta, Cylex, EnrollBusiness, Find-Us-Here, and Once you have your website and blog set up, make sure you optimize them to appear in search results. Similar to Google My Business, you can add your business to Bing Places to make sure it appears in Bing search results as well. We recommend adding photos of your business as this can result in 42% more requests for directions on Google Maps, and 35% more clicks through to your websites than if you don’t.

    Additionally, research shows that 86% of B2B companies with a referral program experience growth. Since you don’t necessarily need a budget for guerrilla marketing, we recommend you try this strategy if you want to find an innovative way to increase awareness for free. Look for newspapers, TV news, and trade publications that cover news related to your industry. If you’re a small business owner, we suggest you start with the local press. Quora is a question-and-answer website where users can ask and answer questions on any topic. To utilize this platform, look for questions that are related to your industry and target audience and leave informative answers.

  38. The findings confirm that creative campaigns are, in general, more effective than other types of ads. The research also shows that the various creativity dimensions deliver different results. Elaboration, for instance, had a far more powerful effect on sales than did originality, a more commonly used dimension. Indeed, many companies focus on the wrong dimensions in their campaigns. This article reveals which product categories are best suited to creative advertising and which dimensions of creativity have the most influence on sales. Do highly creative ads really inspire people to buy products?

    Guest posting is a simple way to increase viewership to your website or social media channels through partnerships with celebrities, influencers or other prominent people. Allow someone to do a social media "takeover" where they post related content on your accounts for a determined amount of time. For example, you may convert a bus shelter to look like the person waiting for a ride is sitting at a sporting event to sell game tickets.

    Social media advertising can help you achieve many goals, such as driving website traffic, increasing engagement, and generating leads . It could be a party, demo, festival, workshop, anniversary sale, charity event, or webinar. The options are endless and don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. The most-used pairing, flexibility plus elaboration, is one of the least effective. The most effective pairing, originality plus elaboration, had almost double the impact.

    But, as you know, the advertising types above have evolved dramatically since their respective origins. What were once quite one-dimensional messages now carry clever, funny, or profound undertones that make the ads memorable years after they first ran. Because of the impact they had on the growth of the brand, and because they manage to hit on some universal truth that allows us to remember these campaigns years after they first began.

    They don't care about what you do for others or what you're doing for your business. They care about what you can do for them, their company, or their industry. The power of community can be much more effective than money poured into advertising. These 10 tips are great to use as jumping-off points for your local business. This tactic works great for newly opened businesses that need to get the word going. In addition to that, your commentary and perspective will establish you as an active member of the community that will draw more attention to your business.

  39. The goal of the "Great Taste, Less Filling" campaign was getting "real men" to drink light beer, but they were battling the common misconception that light beer can never actually taste good. The ad took pop culture by storm during the Super Bowl in 2000, and you can still hear its echoes today. Anheuser-Busch showed us just how silly and informal an ad can be without ruffling feathers or going off-brand. The more genuine your ad is, the more valuable your product is.

    Make an effort to participate in the community and be genuine and helpful. If you don’t have the bandwidth to host your own, there are plenty of opportunities to share your perspective in existing chats. Find chats related to your industry in this list from TweetReports.

    I inevitably ended up going back to the restaurant or finding my way to a bus stop when I got lost and using it to find my way other places. There are hundreds of online directories, lists, and review sites out there. Make sure you’ve claimed your business’s listing on sites like Yelp and ensure that any information is up to date. Whether your business is still new or well-established, large or small, you need to tell people about it, and that means advertising. Love to read such Great Content which provides quality Knowledge as well as interesting facts.

    It went viral, resulting in over 5 million followers for the brand. With TikTok, users are generally young people in the 24 and under age bracket. They’ll most likely respond to fun, lighthearted messaging and engage with your brand. Data-heavy brochure for job-seekers in the fashion industry. By AcheadsThey’ve long held connotations with busy designs and an overload of information, salesy content.

    Thanks to the California Milk Processor Board's "Got Milk?" campaign, milk sales in California rose 7% in just one year. But the impact ran across state borders, and to this day, you still can't escape the millions of “Got [Fill-in-the-Blank]? Despite having no distinct shape, Absolut made its bottle the most recognizable bottle in the world. Its campaign, which featured print ads showing bottles "in the wild," was so successful that they didn't stop running it for 25 years. It's the longest uninterrupted ad campaign ever and comprises over 1,500 separate ads.

  40. Use social amplication techiniques such as dark posting, allow lists, and boosted posts to gain additional value from user-generated assets. For example, a popular fitness vlogger on YouTube with extensive knowledge in weight training and proper nutrition may be asked to do advertising for sportswear or a supplement company. On occasion, an influencer may not have experience relevant to the product they are advertising. In this situation, they rely on the trust and loyalty they have built within their community to influence their followers.
    Instead, look for folks who align with your brand’s values and have an engaged audience. That means the influencer receives a lot of likes, views, comments, shares, etc. on their posts. In short, influencer marketing lets you reach new audiences with your key message.
    Video reviews must include both written and verbal disclosure of the brand partnership/collaboration. Don’t limit the disclosure to just the video description—include it in the video itself. A version of this post was first published on the Red Website Design blog.


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